Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Leavin' On A Jet Plane

So this will be my last post from the United States! I am stoked to say the least. I really am too restless to write anything of value so I'm just going to ramble for a little while.

Yeah I got nothing.

Next time you hear from me I'll be in New Zealand!


  1. Have a great trip, my good man! Good luck down/over/under there.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful trip, and look forward to hearing about your adventures in New Zealand!

  3. So excited for you, stay safe but have a great time too!!

    Looking forward to more blogging.

  4. Wow ! What an incredible opportunity... take me with you via your blog. & Get that self esteem up dude :D

  5. you should log on a computer soon and update this! its crazy not hearing from you i hope all is well and you havn't done anything stupid....yet, i mean you still have a whole semester right?!?!?!

    anyways, update soon we all miss you here!
